St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News


    8 April 2020 (by admin)

    Sometimes it's hard to find the right words when you are trying to explain 'difficult and upsetting' news to very young children.

    Our English Lead (Miss Reely) has sent a book that is good to read to your child - it is really aimed at children between the ages of 5 to 9 years old. Take a look at it first and see what you think. 

    It's a lovely, free, digital book that has recently been released which explains 'Coronavirus' to children in a really informative way that hopefully they will find helpful. As mentioned, it’s aimed at children between the ages of 5-9. It might be useful for you as a family.

    Some parents may choose not to read this to their child/children and of course that is your parental choice but it may help your child if they are feeling a bit anxious and confused about it all.

    See what you think parents - don’t worry if you think it’s a bad idea but we do know other teaching staff and other educational establishments have shown their children/parents.


    Thank you