Welcome from the Headteacher
As Headteacher of St Bernard's Catholic Primary School, it is a real privilege to welcome you to our school website. St. Bernard’s is truly a special place where we celebrate cultural diversity, children from different faiths and backgrounds come together to 'inspire each other to excellence in the light of Christ.' We are a community family with around 420 children on roll; we take enormous pride in knowing all of our children very well and are fully committed to ensuring that each child is offered the finest start to their education in a warm, caring and loving environment.
Every child is welcomed and valued as a unique member of God's family and values taught through the Gospels are central to what we do in St Bernard’s. We have extremely high expectations and all our staff are committed to providing stimulating, exciting learning environments in which our children thrive.
We aim to provide a rich, diverse curriculum that develops our children morally, socially as well as academically. Children leave St. Bernard’s as aspirational, responsible young people ready to make positive contributions to the wider communities in which they live.
We are proud of the partnership that we have between home, school and parish to provide the very best education that we can for the children in our care. We have excellent relationships with our current parents and are keen to build on existing links to further benefit the education of the children in our family.
I speak for all of our staff when I say that it truly is an honour to serve the community of St. Bernard’s and look forward to working alongside you during the years of your child's primary education here. I would like to thank you in advance for all of your support, generosity and hard work that you bring to our family and hope you enjoy your visit to our website.
God bless,
Mr. P Foley
Latest School Events
9:00 am - 10:00 am
10:15 am - 11:15 am
8:45 am - 9:45 am
9:00 am - 10:00 am
10:15 am - 11:15 am
9:00 am - 10:00 am
10:15 am - 11:15 am
Latest News
- Come along for a social coffee and a chat. Get to meet other parents. An opportunity to meet, talk, and share what's going on. Every little helps!
- You have to know what's happening and what's going on in your child's school. READ ALL ABOUT BUSY ST. BERNARD'S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL...all in the comfort of the palm of your hand. Yippee!
- You will be aware that ASDA are reaching out to help SCHOOL ESTABLISHMENTS across the country. Can you help to raise funds for your child's school. Every little helps! Check out the details below...you have already been sent it.
- Get ready for another busy few weeks and months ahead at St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School. The busy and informative school NEWSLETTER is swaying your way today, Friday. Available on the school website also.
- YEAR 5 children have had a presentation today...WHITEMOOR LAKES RESIDENTIAL is on the busy school HORIZON (after Christmas of course, FEBRUARY 2025). Details coming your way very soon parents.