Our wonderful Chaplaincy Team play an important role in the Catholic life of our school.
The children all wrote a letter explaining the qualities, values and virtues that they possess which would make them an excellent role model to the rest of the school.
They will be on hand to help with preparing liturgies, monitoring class prayer areas and representing our school at Masses.
A message from the Chaplaincy team 2023
Each week, our Chaplaincy Team meets to discuss ways to improve our school, religiously. We try to make a difference in our school community.
So far this year, we have led Hymn Practise and Mass and learned about our Saints of the Month and created posters to share with every class. We have led assemblies about Peace and encouraged our friends to raise money for different charities, including the Good Shepherd Appeal. We also support classes in making sure that their prayer areas are the correct Liturgical colour. During our final week of the Spring Term, we enjoyed leading the whole school in the Stations of the Cross.
At the moment, we are leading the Rosary, daily in our Prayer Garden.
We always have fun!
We are one family, following Christ, learning together, making a difference.
It's what we do!