St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN - Sunday 8pm

    HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN - Sunday 8pm

    5 April 2020 (by admin)

    Her Majesty the Queen addresses the nation this evening at 8pm. She wants to speak to us all - old and young.

    We encourage you to watch this historic broadcast as a family. She is thanking you all - every single one of you for your efforts during this challenging time. She will continue to emphasise the important role WE ALL HAVE and STILL MUST PLAY as we move forward over the next few weeks.

    Her Majesty will THANK the NHS community and other KEY WORKER professions - this importantly includes many of our school parents - well done!

    At this unprecedented time of global disruption and individual/family distress, Her Majesty will also talk about the key attributes of self-discipline, quiet good-humoured resolve and fellow-feeling that characterise our country. These attributes very much reflect our school community at this time also.

    Please do your very best to sit with your child/children and watch the broadcast this evening.

    Have a good day.

    God bless to you all.