St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. £5 CINEMA TRIP DAY - Monday 16th December

    £5 CINEMA TRIP DAY - Monday 16th December

    2 December 2019 (by admin)

    We have our BIG CINEMA DAY on Monday 16th December - it's going to be a memorable trip to the pictures!

    Can we remind you that if you want your child to go to the cinema, then a £5 payment MUST be made to the school office. Simply put your child's name on a clearly labelled sealed envelope. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO SECURE YOUR CHILD A GUARANTEED CINEMA PLACE THAT THE £5 PAYMENT IS MADE.

    The cinema trip takes place on Monday 16th December. Due to transport logistics, we will be asking that the children are in school for 8.45am on Monday 16th December.

    EYFS/KS1 are going to see FROZEN 2.

    KS2 are going to see ALADDIN.