St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. DRESSING UP DAY - Thursday 3rd October

    DRESSING UP DAY - Thursday 3rd October

    24 September 2019 (by admin)

    On THURSDAY 3rd OCTOBER your child can come to school dressed in the colours of their favourite country or dressed as their favourite culture. What will your child wear?

    Start thinking children! You might wear the colours of your favourite flag (Spain, Italy, England, India, Pakistan). You might dress up as an IRISH DANCER. You might dress up as a BHANGRA DANCER. You might dress up as a celebrity from a particular country. What about a sports star from a particular county? What will you wear? 

    Children will be served up with a delicious GLOBAL DINNER on this day. The cost of the school dinner will be £2.35.

    If you want your child to have a GLOBAL MEAL on Thursday 3rd October, simply send the money into school in a sealed envelope. Don't miss out on COUNTRY & CULTURE DAY.