St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. 2019 is the YEAR of GREEN ACTION

    2019 is the YEAR of GREEN ACTION

    10 September 2019 (by admin)

    Did you know that 2019 is the YEAR of GREEN ACTION and we are supporting the local Midlands Arts Centre projects.

    St Bernard's supporting LOCAL theatre...

    MAC EcoFest 2019 takes place at your local MAC - Cannon Hill Park and you can find full details of events that are ongoing there by visiting 

    The SEVERN TRENT WONDERFUL WATER BUS visits the MAC on Sunday 29th September and it's absolutely FREE.

    This virtual reality technology offers a hands-on digital experience that allows children to learn more about water efficiency. Take a look and go and see on Sunday 29th September.

    There is also a performance on Saturday 28th September & Sunday 29th by the BONE ENSEMBLE - GULP - it's an interactive story about learning to care about the world, its people and its natural resources (£10 adults/concessions for children). 

    Please don't forget to send your child into school with a suitable reusable drinks container/bottle because we encourage them to drink water during the school day. NO SINGLE USE PLASTIC BOTTLES PLEASE.