St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. 80th ANNIVERSARY - D-DAY 6th June 1944 - 6th June 2024

    80th ANNIVERSARY - D-DAY 6th June 1944 - 6th June 2024

    6 June 2024 (by admin)

    We will be thinking of all those who sacrificed so much, so that we can be together today as a school family. It is the 80th anniversary of D-Day, 6th June 1944 to 6th June 2024.

    'We give respectful thanks for each of the loved ones whom we remember today, for all the ways in which their lives touched ours, for the difficult as well as the good times, for the ways in which their lives and their love continue to be with us in our world. In our sadness and with thanksgiving, we will remember them'
    D-Day Prayer
    6.6.1944 - 6.6.2024