St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. WINNING ATTENDANCE - weekly attendance news

    WINNING ATTENDANCE - weekly attendance news

    22 April 2024 (by admin)

    WELL DONE RQ - an amazing 99% school attendance for last week. YOU GET GOLDEN TIME later this week on FRIDAY afternoon, 26th April. WOW!

    Please note, we currently get lots of requests from parents for extended leave during term time. Please be aware that periods of extended leave will not be authorised during term time - if you take your child out of school for extended leave then you will be fined by the EDUCATION LEGAL TEAM - Birmingham Authority policy and attendance is always seen as a 'pupil welfare priority' and the ELT issue penalty notices accordingly. 

    It is vital that your child is in school every day and on time - a reminder that the school gates close at 8:45 each day. A small amount of time missed (even regular 'lates') adds up to a considerable amount of time opportunity. It can have a huge impact on your child's development and could lead to them falling significantly behind their peers. We often hear children say they are 'embarrassed' coming into school late.

    Whole school attendance was 95% last week, AND our WINNING class RQ achieved an excellent 99% (GOLDEN FRIDAY afternoon time for them!).

    So much goes on in school to tackle ATTENDANCE issues:

    *We hold regular Monday attendance meetings with parents - supportive and challenging. It's all about your child and what we can do to help you. Understanding patterns of non-attendance, possible underlying health conditions of a child

    *First day absence phone calls by the school office. If your child is absent, we ask the question why. All about caring for your child and looking after pupil welfare.

    *We chase up medical evidence (if a child is ill). Doctor's correspondence/hospital letters.

    *Education Legal Team involvement in promoting pupil attendance standards. they correspond with parents. They issues penalty notices. Sometimes they take families straight to court.

    *Golden Time celebrations and rewards for children - promoting good class attendance

    *100% termly certificates - promoting excellent pupil attendance

    *x3 £50 family voucher termly draw - rewarding good attendance

    *Regular correspondence with parents on the school newsletter and school mobile app

    Help us to help your child because GOOD ATTENDANCE MATTERS!