St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. CHRISTMAS is is going to be 'TROLL' TASTIC!

    CHRISTMAS is is going to be 'TROLL' TASTIC!

    17 October 2023 (by admin)

    A surprise awaits for our wonderful children in our wonderful school family. It is happening on MONDAY 4th DECEMBER. It is happening at SOLIHULL CINEMA COMPLEX. It is going to be TROLLS TASTIC! The great BIG CHRISTMAS extravaganza!

    The new release of the colourful and musical 'TROLLS BAND TOGETHER' is happening very (very) soon and we are making it an ALL DAY Christmas EXTRAVAGANZA EXPERIENCE from Reception to Year 6! Yippee TROLL TASTIC YIPPEE!

    The whole school intend to go on MONDAY 4th December. We are giving you prior notice.

    We have managed to book 2 private screens (a screen for Reception to Y2 children and a screen for Y3 to Y6 children).

    Coaches have been booked and we're ready to go!

    Let the 'TROLL TASTIC' FUN COMMENCE - a day of wonderful experiences!

    THE WHOLE DAY WILL BE A JOYFUL start to the Adventus and Christmas seasonal journey 2023. When the children return after the cinema they will be having a creative, imaginative, fun, enterprising, original and resourceful ACTIVITY day in school - activities galore!

    MONDAY 4th DECEMBER will be a day to remember - & games...activities in class. GET READY for something different St. Bernard's!

    More details to follow soon...look out for the terrific TROLL TASTIC letter dancing your way soon.

    The cost for the cinema experience day on MONDAY 4th DECEMBER will be £10 per child. Payments can start coming in at the start of next half term on our new school payment system (My Child at School).

    One more thing, it's going to be TROLL TASTIC!