St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News


    30 August 2023 (by admin)

    Juts a polite reminder that any prescribed 'in-date' MEDICATION should be on the school site from TUESDAY 5th September - INHALERS / EPIPENS - ESSENTIAL!

    If your child requires a BLUE INHALER, it should be in school, clearly in-date and prescribed. Your child's name should be on the prescribed box.

    Any EPIPEN on the site should be prescribed, clearly in-date and again be prescribed by your family doctor.

    ALL MEDICATION is handed over by parents AFTER PARENTS HAVE SIGNED THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINE FORM. Forms are available from the school office. You MUST fill in the form correctly and sign/date it. It is kept on your child's school records and relevant staff members are immediately informed.

    You DO NOT need to send in Piriton, Nurofen, Calpol etc. SCHOOL HAS SUPPLIES ON SITE and will ALWAYS contact parent/s via a phone call to gain verbal permission if your child is unwell (if you believe your child needs some of this medication to help them).

    School also has emergency-use blue inhalers and age-appropriate epipens. School will issue 'administration of medication' slips to inform parents if regular medication has been administered. 

    NO MEDICATION IS ACCEPTED unless it is CLEARLY PRESCRIBED  (inhaler/epipen). You will fully understand the reasons why - it's about the safety and wellbeing of your child.

    Thank you for your cooperation parents. Please make sure this is acted on in preparation for the school term ahead. It's all about keeping the children safe on the school site. Roll on TUESDAY 5th September!