St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. YEAR 1S - Mrs Smith is on the look out! the Y1S assembly is coming soon...

    YEAR 1S - Mrs Smith is on the look out! the Y1S assembly is coming soon...

    27 February 2023 (by admin)

    Year 1S are preparing for their very special assembly. Mrs. Smith is asking for your PHOTOGRAPHIC help.

    Can all of the parents of YEAR 1S children (MRS SMITH's CLASS) please email a photograph of their child with their mother to the Year 1 email address before Monday 13th March. If it can't be emailed, simply hand a photo to Mrs. Smith and she will scan it accordingly.

    These pictures will be used in the forthcoming Y1S assembly so please do not send any pictures that you are not happy to be shown to a school audience.

    Thank you Y1S parents.