St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. SCHOOL BREAKS UP - half term break (see you on Monday 27th February)

    SCHOOL BREAKS UP - half term break (see you on Monday 27th February)

    17 February 2023 (by admin)

    Thank you for your ongoing support, partnership and challenge. The holiday break is upon us.

    Year 5 and Year 6 celebrate their FILM EVENT later today (pick your child up at the 5.15pm end of film time please). The pick up zone is the KS2 playground (gates will be opened just before 5.15pm).

    Once again, thank you to the PTA volunteers - they make a remarkable difference. It's not just about raising money, they provide key social events and various opportunities for all the children in school...creating wonderful memories for all the children.

    Stay safe during the February holiday break and we will see you all soon on MONDAY 27th February 2023.