St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. THE PTA ARE AT IT AGAIN! Making a DIFFERENCE to your child in St. Bernard's

    THE PTA ARE AT IT AGAIN! Making a DIFFERENCE to your child in St. Bernard's

    7 February 2023 (by admin)

    After the recent eventful and fundraising success of the HOPPING, SKIPPING and JUMPING extravaganza, the PTA are organising another enriching experience - ALL ABOUT PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES for the children. FILM NIGHT 2023 is on the horizon...

    Letters have gone home for upcoming Friends and Films nights...
    £4 a ticket, snack bag included. Money must be in by Friday 10th February please if you want your child to participate. 
    Tuesday 14th February Rec/KS1 - Sonic 2
    Thursday 16th February 3/4 - Sonic 2
    Friday 17th February 5/6 - Disenchanted 
    All films run straight after school and children will not need to be collected until after the film has endedMore details to follow soon.
    IT'S PTA FILM NIGHT week...happening at a school near you (ST. BERNARD'S!)