St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. WONDERFUL WHITEMOOR LAKES - Y5 are getting excited! March 2023

    WONDERFUL WHITEMOOR LAKES - Y5 are getting excited! March 2023

    10 January 2023 (by admin)

    We spoke to Y5 again today about the EXCITEMENT surrounding WHITEMOOR LAKES - Y5 venture to this exciting residential centre in March. Start getting excited! PAY via PARENT PAY.

    School staff also spoke to different parents via phone today all about the RESIDENTIAL experience and the benefits of extended school trips. Life-long memories are a certainty for your child! 

    Yes, perfectly understandable that parents and children can feel a little bit apprehensive about extended visits but REMEMBER, it's all fully supervised, qualified instructor-led and fun, fun, FUN! Your child WILL have a wonderful experience and we don't want them to miss out!

    Residentials are all about stepping out of your comfort zone in a safe environment. There are so many self-esteem and confidence-building benefits, and having this boost early on can only help your child achieve more throughout the school year and importantly, get them ready for Year 6 and beyond.

    The cost is £140 (fully inclusive of travel, accommodation, day/evening activities, insurance, food - breakfast, lunch, evening meal). 

    Let the ADVENTURE commence. More parents signed up today so their child can be on board.

    Monday January 16th 2023 in the lower school hall, brief meeting about the Y5 WHITEMOOR RESIDENTIAL - 2.50pm. Come and listen to Mr. Foley & Mr. Stephenson, ask questions and gain more information. You are most welcome.