St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. KNOW THE KEY DATES 2023 (1st half-term)

    KNOW THE KEY DATES 2023 (1st half-term)

    6 January 2023 (by admin)

    Just a selection of some of the KEY DATES for the half-term ahead. Note some of the CLASS ASSEMBLY dates (they're back on the busy school horizon). Note also some of the PTA planned events - all about making a difference to your child.

    *Monday 9th January - After school clubs start*

    Tuesday 10th January - Year 5 visit to the Hindu Temple

    Friday 13th January - Year 4 visit to the Sikh Temple

    Monday 16th January - Whole school assembly - celebration of multi faith week @ 9:00

    Friday 20th January - 5B Class assembly @ 9:15

    Friday 27th January - 5D Class assembly @ 9:15

    Friday 3rd February - 4K Class assembly @ 9:15

    Tuesday 7th February - Safer Internet Day

    Friday 10th February - International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    Friday 10th February - 4O Class assembly @ 9:15

    Tuesday 14th February - Year 6 visit to English Martyrs Church

    Thursday 16th February - Lower KS2 PTA Movie Night

    Friday 17th February - Upper KS2 PTA Movie Night

    Friday 17th February - Break up for half term