St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. TUESDAY NEWS - so much going on TUESDAY 13th DECEMBER

    TUESDAY NEWS - so much going on TUESDAY 13th DECEMBER

    12 December 2022 (by admin)

    PANTO for Y2 to Y6 takes place tomorrow - SCHOOL UNIFORM MUST, MUST, MUST be worn please. Children will also be given a small snack and a drink of juice. Let the show commence...

    Note also, the ST. BERNARD'S BRASS concert takes place for Y5D children (2.30pm).

    It is a short concert performance which also includes the 'brass electives' (2.30pm).

    Parents are most welcome to come along and watch their child/children perform (lower school hall).

    Another busy day at St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School.