St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. THANK YOU SANTA - you ALWAYS make a difference

    THANK YOU SANTA - you ALWAYS make a difference

    10 December 2022 (by admin)

    HO! HO! HO! Thank you to the PTA elves (and a very special surprise appearance from Miss Elfy Reely) for a wonderful, magical, spiritual, fun, musical and DIFFERENT celebration day - the children had so much fun. So many smiling faces.

    The PTA crew have organised so many events this term, so much money made, and MORE many special memories for the children. 

    The BIGGEST THANK YOU goes to SANTA, he just never lets you down! He appeared from nowhere...the children asked, the children stated...

    "I think he's Mr. Foley but Santa is much older", "It could be Mr Yoxall but Santa's a little too small to be him", "Is it Mr Vinti? Has he returned?"...

    A morning of puzzled faces...a morning of inquisitive questions...

    THANK YOU to our very special SANTA and safe journeying ahead...HO! HO! HO! 

    You can see our very special SANTA in the mobile pic. It looks like a picture postcard but it's not, it's our own very special SANTA and he's soon off again on his global travels...