St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. ADIEU, ADIEU...PARTING IS SUCH SWEET SORROW (after 32 years teaching!)

    ADIEU, ADIEU...PARTING IS SUCH SWEET SORROW (after 32 years teaching!)

    14 November 2022 (by admin)

    MRS. HUMPHREYS leaves St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School soon. An incredible achievement of serving the community of St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School since 1990 - 32 years dedicated service!

    It will no doubt be a very emotional time for Mrs. H as she ventures to pastures new after Christmas. Adieu, adieu - parting is such sweet sorrow!

    We THANK her for the time spent with THOUSANDS of St. Bernard's primary school children and countless staff, parents and governors (too many to mention of course!). Too many qualities to mention...

    The children and staff are of course planning some TOP SECRET leaving gifts before Christmas! Sssh!

    We will be having a celebratory leaving MASS for Mrs. Humphreys on Wednesday 14th December at 2pm - you are most welcome to attend.

    We are going to miss you Mrs Humphreys...

    Pob lwc, Mrs. Humphreys! Dw i’n siwr byddi di’n iawn!

    Mrs Humphreys other passion is of course WALES - a country true to her heart! 

    We will be mentioning Mrs Humphreys in the next edition of the school newsletter sway. Coming soon...