St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. FIRST WEEK BACK - OPEN DAY NEWS/EVENT - spread the word

    FIRST WEEK BACK - OPEN DAY NEWS/EVENT - spread the word

    21 October 2022 (by admin)

    St. Bernard's WELCOMES prospective parents to a very special and engaging OPEN DAY event - all about seeing our school in full action. PLEASE SPREAD THE NEWS...word of mouth can go a very long way!

    It's an opportunity to see (and feel) our daily Catholic ethos.

    It's an opportunity to peek into the academic world of St. Bernard's but more importantly, to fully embrace the diverse social setting, see an ever-changing engaging school environment AND see our wonderful children in action - One family. Following Christ. Learning together. MAKING A DIFFERENCE.

    So spread the good news...St. Bernard's OPEN EVENT coming soon to a school near you!

    THURSDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 9am to 11am and 1.30pm to 3pm

    Meet the Head Teacher and senior staff, speak to some members of our school Governing Body, have an informal chat to our PTA team etc.