St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News


    6 September 2022 (by admin)

    What a lovely start to the school day - children filing into school sensibly, independently, and with a smile on their face. WONDERFUL START, wonderful to see them and now, they are all about to file into school assembly time. SCHOOL FAMILY TIME TOGETHER.

    A few ESSENTIAL reminders - we are a SPOTLIGHT ON SCHOOL ATTENDANCE SCHOOL and work in close partnership with BIRMINGHAM AUTHORITY and the EDUCATION LEGAL TEAM.

    KEEP ATTENDANCE at the forefront of your minds please - YOUR CHILD'S ATTENDANCE MATTERS to us.

    We conduct regular home visits (announced/unannounced), make daily phone calls and meet with parents - it's all about your child's ATTENDANCE. YOU MUST, MUST, MUST keep us in the picture - if your child is absent because of illness, YOU MUST INFORM the SCHOOL OFFICE.

    The Education Legal Team working in partnership with Birmingham Authority and they take action against unauthorised attendance, issuing penalty fines etc.

    Watch out for the SPOTLIGHT on ATTENDANCE authority letter - it goes out to all parents at the START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR to REMIND EVERYONE OF THEIR RESPONSIBILITY.

    If you have issues concerning your child's attendance, TALK TO US.

    Thank you for your full cooperation.

    Mr. Foley & Governing Body of St. Bernard's