St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. ATTENDANCE WEEKLY NEWS - this week


    18 February 2022 (by admin)

    Extra BREAK first week back YEAR 6 - making your ATTENDANCE MATTER!

    CONGRATULATIONS to Y6 because they averaged 97% in both year groups this week.

    That continues to be impressive with national covid issues still on the go.

    WE KEEP ON SAYING...IT'S ALL ABOUT ATTENDANCE ISSUES - your child's attendance really MATTERS.

    WHOLE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE - 95.4% - compare this with the 'fft national average' - 93.4% - significantly above for this week.

    REMEMBER - school continues to make first day phone calls, completes announced and unannounced home visits, is involved with the education legal team (they issue penalty notices/fines).