St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. SAFER INTERNET DAY on the school HORIZON (Tuesday 8th February)

    SAFER INTERNET DAY on the school HORIZON (Tuesday 8th February)

    6 February 2022 (by admin)

    Want to educate and safeguard your child? It's CRUCIAL to know about their ONLINE world and what they are doing, who they're communicating with, messages they're sharing...

    Over the years, Safer Internet Day has become a landmark event in the online safety calendar. It's GLOBAL now and reaches out to all corners of the WORLD!

    St. Bernard's is just a tiny JIGSAW in billions of global pieces but EVERY 'internet safety' piece is important! We all need to do our safeguarding bit!

    From cyberbullying to social networking to digital identity, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns - we'll be doing our bit in St. Bernard's to talk about ONLINE SAFETY BUT, BUT, BUT...we can't do it 24/7!

    Once your child gets home, goes upstairs and closes that bedroom you know their online world?

    Please speak to your child this week about their ONLINE EDUCATIONAL WORLD - know a little more about their online friends, social networking, games/activities they play etc.

    CHECK OUT THE SAFER INTERNET SITE - great ideas for all the family, useful resources.

    All about MAKING a DIFFERENCE to safeguard your child, your family, your home!

    Staying safe on the WONDERS of the GLOBAL ONLINE WORLD is the goal!