St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. LOOKING ahead - 4th SUNDAY of ADVENT

    LOOKING ahead - 4th SUNDAY of ADVENT

    19 December 2021 (by admin)

    We will certainly miss the children next week as we journey towards the birth of Jesus. It's been a wonderful experience leading them during this special season of ADVENT. So many activities, so many prayers, songs, carols and joyous time together.

    Mass today was all about LOOKING AHEAD to the final week of the ADVENT journey - the focus changes to a more intense spiritual preparation for the Nativity of Our Lord. We prepare to celebrate that moment in time when Jesus came to share in our human nature and to raise us to a new and glorious life.

    In the midst of busy family preparations for Christmas and the ongoing concerns of our world, make a space, make some quiet time and welcome the Lord each day in some reflective family time together during the week.

    Although we won't be the children of St. Bernard's, rest assured that staff will be praying for you all and Jesus will be the constant presence in your life.

    Let the final week of our ADVENT journey commence...