St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News


    17 December 2021 (by admin)

    It's always a busy time during Christmas with FAMILY LOVE and precious occasions being spent together. It should always be that way. However, with current uncertainty due to covid etc. PLEASE take the time to talk with someone if you are worried.

    The school website has various links to external services that can assist if you need a little extra support.

    It's not a sign of weakness but a complete sign of inner strength if you need to TALK to SOMEONE or an ORGANISATION that can reach out a helping hand. Your MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS to US!

    Christmas is a loving time but it can be very different for lots of people out there and behind every closed door, family dynamics can be very different. Some people can find Christmas a lonely period and with the uncertainty of the covid virus, it can exacerbate things.

    Talk because assistance is ALWAYS there and people are willing to listen.  

    Talking about websites, we launch our NEW looking school website in January 2022. Watch this space...