St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. MASS dates/times on the HORIZON

    MASS dates/times on the HORIZON

    19 November 2021 (by admin)

    It's about keeping you fully in the St. Bernard's school picture...

    These occasions are very special and give us an opportunity to reflect and pray together and be thankful for what we have in our lives.

    Note the forthcoming Masses, led by Father Gerry, on the busy school horizon:

    MONDAY 22nd November - YEAR 4 led (Y3 support) - please note the change of date (due to availability of Father Gerry)

    Wednesday 1st December - YEAR 3 led (Y4 support)

    Wednesday 8th December - YEAR 1 led (Y2 support)

    Wednesday 15th December - YEAR 5 led (Y6 support)

    NOTE THAT OUR YEAR 3 HOLY COMMUNION CHILDREN HAVE A VERY SPECIAL MASS ON SUNDAY 28TH NOVEMBER AT ENGLISH MARTYRS CHURCH at 10am - Communion enrollment Mass...'On a journey with Christ' - all are most welcome.