St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. RESIDENTIAL for Y6 - enriching learning

    RESIDENTIAL for Y6 - enriching learning

    17 November 2021 (by admin)

    The YEAR 6 RESIDENTIAL takes place next year - March 2022. The children are already getting excited and lots of engaging residential activities are planned. It's all about giving children different EXPERIENCES.

    Parents/children have recently received REMINDER letters about the residential - please MAKE SURE YOU SEND THE REPLY IN (it's a simply YES my child can go or NO thank you). WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE ALL THE CHILDREN AT THE RESIDENTIAL. 

    Whitemoor Lakes residential centre require final numbers very soon and need to know TOTALS and of course a breakdown of boys/girls.

    We will be contacting them with FINAL NUMBERS early next week so please RETURN your letter to the class teacher.

    Thank you for your cooperation.