St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. ATTENDANCE MATTERS - spotlight on your child's attendance

    ATTENDANCE MATTERS - spotlight on your child's attendance

    15 November 2021 (by admin)

    It's all about ATTENDANCE and the importance of school attendance - CONGRATULATIONS to Y4 because the year group achieved a combined 98% school attendance last week - EXTRA BREAK for you all this week!

    The current school newsletter focuses on ATTENDANCE issues. 

    This week we will send additional letters to all parents if a child's attendance drops below 90% - the government, the authority and St. Bernard's school acknowledge that this would be a cause for attendance concern and we want to KEEP YOU FULLY in the ATTENDANCE PICTURE concerning your child so you know what their attendance % is. On the letter you'll see your child's current attendance - remember that lost time equals lost learning!

    It's about making sure you are all fully aware that SCHOOL ATTENDANCE MATTERS.

    Punctuality and ATTENDANCE matters!

    Please note, we are fully aware that there are often genuine reasons for school absence (medical & long-term health issues, covid-19 isolation etc.). It's about working in partnership and keeping us FULLY in the picture.