St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. IMPORTANT STRATEGIC UPDATES - make sure you read them please.

    IMPORTANT STRATEGIC UPDATES - make sure you read them please.

    4 June 2020 (by admin)

    We have just published our latest letter regarding our proposed reopening plans - we are thinking ahead but not too much because of the ever-changing national and educational situation.

    To keep you in the school picture, we are looking to start YEAR 1 children on Monday 15th June 2020. We are also looking to have any new additions from RECEPTION & YEAR 6 on Monday 15th June 2020.

    These are our proposed strategic plans - they have to be steady, deliberate and cautious. Apologies if your child is desperate to get back to school and your year group has not been mentioned yet but this is the unfortunate position we have been put in. We will update you accordingly and do our very best to keep you in the picture.

    Can I once again reiterate the importance of letting school know of your intentions if you are a parent of a child in YEAR 1. Also, if you have a child in RECEPTION or YEAR 6 and you've now changed your mind, YOU MUST LET US KNOW by the deadline date of Monday 8th June (3pm).