St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. LET US KNOW - Reception/Year 6 parents

    LET US KNOW - Reception/Year 6 parents

    28 May 2020 (by admin)

    Please let us know of your intentions parents regarding our proposed reopening of St. Bernard's school.

    As you are well aware we have tried to be as upfront and honest as possible regarding our PROPOSED REOPENING (Thursday 4th June/Friday 5th June) - this is for RECEPTION and YEAR 6. 

    It has to be deliberately staggered, cautious, slow and steady because the virus is still at a crucial stage as the Government start introducing some 'easing of lockdown measures'.



    We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:stay at home as much as possible

    • work from home if you can
    • limit contact with other people
    • keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
    • wash your hands regularly

    Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.

    We need to know your intentions parents - please contact school to inform us. You can email or

    YOU CAN ALSO PHONE SCHOOL AND SPEAK TO THE MAIN SCHOOL OFFICE ON MONDAY 1ST JUNE - DEADLINE FOR LETTING US KNOW IS 1PM (MONDAY 1ST JUNE). This will assist us in our social distancing/bubbles risk assessments.

    TO DATE, THE MAJORITY OF PARENTS ARE KEEPING THEIR CHILDREN OFF/AWAY FROM SCHOOL DUE TO ONGOING CORONAVIRUS CONCERNS - we fully respect your decision, opinions and will support you accordingly. 

    You have a lot to discuss and think about as a family unit: the 'R' factor, regional statistics, BAME statistics, family circumstances, Government advice, scientific advice, financial situation, safety implications - I cannot decide for you unfortunately but St. Bernard's will do its very best to make things as safe as possible but we cannot guarantee a 'no zero risk environment' - IT IS YOUR CHOICE!

    Again, if you are a parent of a child in RECEPTION or YEAR 6, please let us know of your intentions.

    God bless to you all.