Appropriate and effective teaching and learning
- All school staff will receive appropriate training so they have the knowledge and confidence to support children’s needs.
- Teaching and support staff will be able to accurately assess the level children are working at and differentiate the curriculum.
- A range of resources will be available in all learning areas to support learning for children operating at different levels.
- Where necessary, resources will be available to support the learning of children who have significant social and/or communication needs.
- The school will provide support for children if they need support with managing their own behaviour and/or to build up skills and confidence in dealing with social situations.
- The school will try to make sure that children with additional needs and their families are able to take part fully in school trips and social events.
- The school will provide good teaching for your child and extra support when needed.
All school staff will receive appropriate training so they have the knowledge and confidence to support children’s needs.
A staff meeting takes place weekly. These often involve training for staff in all aspects of school life including curriculum and medical needs. There are also five training days each academic year for all staff to update their knowledge and skills. If there is a specific need that requires extra training for staff such as Hearing Impairment, Autism, Speech and Language etc then individual or whole school training will be arranged.
Mrs. McLouglin leads staff meetings regularly to update staff on special needs. Staff have had training in First Aid, Autism, Dyslexia, Speech and Language, Hearing Impairment, Makaton and Team Teach.
There are various intervention programmes in place to support children in Numeracy and Englsih. Our staff SEN team support children with speech and language needs.
All staff have received medical training on Diabetes, Epilepsy, Asthma and allergies supported by the school nurses team. The school employs a school nurse who assists in the process of supporting pupils and their families.
One page profiles and medical profiles are updated annually and all relevant staff are consulted and informed.
Teaching and support staff will be able to accurately assess the level children are working at and differentiate the curriculum.
All staff work closely together to plan and differentiate the curriculum. Work is regularly moderated by all staff in each Key Stage to ensure accurate assessments. Moderation from professionals outside of school occurs annually. National tests as well as teacher assessment are used to assess the children.
The Leadership Team, subject co-ordinators and Mrs. McLouglin regularly look at the children’s books to ensure that appropriate differentiation is taking place within the classroom. Mrs. McLouglin also meets regularly with special educational needs children to talk about their work and their progress.
All staff use various resources to assess small steps in children’s learning.
A range of resources will be available in all learning areas to support learning for children operating at different levels.
- School has reading books that are banded (and decodable) at different levels to support all children. There is also the new Sound Start phonics scheme for children who may need reinforcement in their phonics - ensuring individual progression in this key area.
- Children are encouraged to use talk partners to develop their speaking and listening skills
- Seating arrangements are considered for children with visual and/or hearing impairment
- Resources such as triangular/thicker pencils, pencil grips, sloping writing boards, wider lined books etc are considered for children with fine motor difficulties
- Advice and intervention from outside agencies is sought
- School nurse supports and works closely with family units who need support and guidance.
- Speech and Language 1:1 or small group support for some children who need extra support to develop their understanding of language
- Trained Year 6 playground leaders help to support children to play co-operatively at lunchtime
- Social skills awareness activity groups led by staff members.
Where necessary, resources will be available to support the learning of children who have significant social and/or communication needs.
Visual timetables and ‘now’ and ’next’ cards are used to support children who have difficulty with changes in routine.
‘Communicate in print’ is computer software that we use which enables staff to print and use symbols/pictures of objects to aid communication.
All school staff have received Makaton training in order to help improve their communication with children who have significant needs.
School works with the Communication and Autism team. Tracey Jones is the teacher that supports our school. She will observe, assess and offer advice on ways to support children with Autism at home and at school.
School may also ask advice from our Educational Psychologist support staff.
An Authority Speech Therapist who supports our school. She visits school for one afternoon every two weeks and will provide programmes of work for the children. These programmes are delivered by school SEN staff.
The school will provide support for children if they need support with managing their own behaviour and/or to build up skills and confidence in dealing with social situations.
School has clear sanctions and rewards as set out in our Behaviour Policy.
Regular designated curriculum time gives children the opportunity to talk about their feelings and discuss solutions to any difficulties. The school promotes regular ENRICHMENT INCLUSIVITY days focusing on individual mental health and emotional/social development.
The social skills development is led by different staff helping to support children in talking about and finding ways of channelling their behaviour in a more positive way (behaviour management).
The City of Birmingham School (COBS) can also provide support for pupils who have difficulty in managing their own behaviour.
School has access to x4 mental health first aiders who help children in school on a regular basis. Ask at the school office if you would like your child to have some 1:1 sessions with staff.
The school will try to make sure that children with additional needs and their families are able to take part fully in school trips and social events.
Children with additional needs are always welcome to attend after school clubs and social events. The school will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that all children are included in school trips. A risk assessment will be carried out and adjustments such as 1:1 support or parental attendance may be required. Parents/carers are always consulted to ensure that their child has a safe and enjoyable experience.
The school will provide good teaching for your child and extra support when needed.
Teaching is regularly monitored by subject and senior leaders to ensure that good teaching is taking place for all children. Learning walks take place termly to ensure the learning environment is stimulating and supportive to children’s learning.
Through the school progress tracking system teachers can target appropriate interventions for those children who need extra support. These interventions may be delivered by the teacher or the teaching assistant within the classroom or by an additional teacher or teaching assistant outside of the classroom. Some interventions may take place after school.
If school feels that we require advice from an outside agency, we will always discuss this with you first and seek written permission from you.
You can find out more about the Birmingham Local Offer by visiting the website.