St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Special Needs Information
  3. Open and honest communication

Open and honest communication

  • We have a member of staff called the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) who will explain everything to you and make sure you understand what is happening.
  • We will make all the information we need to share with you clear and easy to understand.
  • The SENCo will make sure that all necessary school staff are aware of your child’s needs and worries.
  • If we think your child needs extra support we will always talk to you about this.
  • Your child’s progress will be reviewed regularly and you will be invited into school to discuss the outcomes and give your views. Your child will also be able to give their views.

We have a member of staff called the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) who will explain everything to you and make sure you understand what is happening.

If you have a concern about your child we always encourage you to speak to your child’s class teacher first. This could be at the end of the school day, parents’ evenings or at any parent surgeries.

Mrs Julie Robinson is the Special Needs Co-ordinator and works in school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. If you wish to speak to her please contact the school office on 0121 464-3795 to make an appointment or to ask if she can telephone you.

We will make all the information we need to share with you clear and easy to understand.

Our Special Needs policy explains how we identify and assess children who we think may have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Please ask at the school office if you would like a copy of this policy.

Our governing body has a specific governor who is responsible for Special Educational Needs. Her name is Miss K Caley.

The SENCo will make sure that all necessary school staff are aware of your child’s needs and worries.

Quality First Teaching with appropriate differentiation within the classroom is the first step to addressing the needs of all Special Educational Needs (SEN) pupils. If your child has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability, then additional support in school may be needed. Mrs. Robinson the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) will ensure that all staff are made aware of those needs.

Individual Target Plans (ITP) are shared with all staff that support your child. If your child has a medical care plan then our school nurse will liaise with staff and ensure that relevant information is shared. If required, lunchtime supervisors are made aware of specific needs and regularly receive appropriate training.

If your child is at Nursery and about to start in Reception we will liaise with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) at the Nursery to find out as much as possible about your child’s needs. This is in addition to the Reception teachers visiting and/or liaising with Nursery staff. We may also visit your child in their Nursery setting and Mrs. Robinson may attend your child’s final review meeting at the Nursery. We will request that any records and/or paperwork be passed on to school from the Nursery.

When your child moves up into a new year group, all new staff are informed of your child’s needs and copies of any previous paperwork/ITPs are given to them. Your child may have a one page profile sheet that has been created by staff, parents and child. This will be given to the new teacher. This includes social/communication strategies that may support your child in class. 

When your child moves from Year 6 to secondary school Mrs. Robinson will ensure that all information regarding your child’s special needs is passed on to the SENCo at your child’s new school. Extra visits to the secondary school, accompanied by St. Bernard’s staff if needed, may be arranged for some pupils. The secondary school SENCo may also attend the final review meeting in the summer term at St. Bernard’s school. If your child moves to another school at any other time then we will make sure that all information is shared with the new school.

If we think your child needs extra support we will always talk to you about this.

Your child’s class teacher will always discuss any initial concerns with you.

A plan of extra support may be put in place for your child within the classroom. This support may be provided by the teacher or teaching assistant. An intervention group lead by an additional teacher or by a teaching assistant may take place outside the classroom.

If progress has not been as expected, even with this support, then an Individual Target Plan (ITP) or an Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) may be written. These have specific targets and strategies agreed with you and your child on how school and home can support learning and/or emotional and behavioural needs. These targets will be regularly reviewed and updated.

Outside agencies may be consulted to help support your child in school, but we will always ask your permission first.

Your child’s progress will be reviewed regularly and you will be invited into school to discuss the outcomes and give your views. Your child will also be able to give their views.

Individual Target Plans (ITP) are reviewed half-termly.  If your child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), these are reviewed annually. You will be invited to a termly review and your views will be recorded. Your child may attend if it is applicable. If not their views will be recorded using pupil friendly response sheets.