St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. WOW! Thank you to our special VOCATIONAL VISITORS

    WOW! Thank you to our special VOCATIONAL VISITORS

    26 April 2024 (by admin)

    We have had the privilege of so many different VOCATIONAL VISITORS in school this week. Thank you to all those parents who came to talk and inspire the future generation. IT IS VERY MCUH APPRECIATED.

    The children have surprised us in so many different ways today.

    SO MANY WONDERFUL mini-VOCATIONAL attires and outfits we have seen.

    One child commented, "I'm the next CEO of Apple"

    One child commented, "I'm going to be like my dad, a businessman, a man who makes a difference to charities"

    One child commented, "I'm Miss Fraser today. I want to be like her. I want to be a teacher"

    One child commented, "I'm going to be a gymnast. I want to represent my country"


    Thank you for supporting this very special week (and day) parents.