St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. VOCATION, VOCATION, VOCATION...planting a seed in the minds of children

    VOCATION, VOCATION, VOCATION...planting a seed in the minds of children

    16 April 2024 (by admin)

    Speak to your child's class teacher if you can help during our very special VOCATIONS WEEK. It is on the busy school VOCATIONAL HORIZON...


    We will soon be having a VOCATIONS WEEK in school. All about planting the vocational seeds in the young minds of our wonderful St. Bernard's children (the workers and task force of tomorrow!)

    It commences week beginning MONDAY 22nd April 2024 and you may be able to help out...

    If you would like to come and talk to your child's class about your chosen CAREER PATH & VOCATION, simply ask the class teacher and a time can be arranged for you to speak to the class (with a little bit of Q & A thrown your way!). 

    Are you up for the VOCATIONAL challenge? It's about celebrating different VOCATIONS and celebrating individual TALENTS.

    Church, Doctor, Nurse, Surgeon, Therapist, Mechanic, Lawyer, Architect, Plumber, Electrician, Accountant, Scientist, Optician, Technician, Consultant, Chef, Dentist, film maker, Police, Paramedic, Firefighter, Journalist, Professor, Surveyor, Zoologist etc. etc.

    Come and inspire the minds of tomorrow...let your child's class teacher know!

    Thank you parents.

    By the to your child ABOUT YOUR VOCATIONAL DREAMS. What did you want to do when you were a child?